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# This is the user-data configuration file for cloud-init. By default this sets
# up an initial user called "ubuntu" with password "ubuntu", which must be
# changed at first login. However, many additional actions can be initiated on
# first boot from this file. The cloud-init documentation has more details:
# Some additional examples are provided in comments below the default
# configuration.

# Enable password authentication with the SSH daemon
ssh_pwauth: true
#### this section created by KiYugadgeter
        name: helloman
        plain_text_passwd: '0123456789'
        home: /home/helloman
        shell: /bin/bash
        lock_passwd: true
        gecos: helloman
        grops: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, netdev]

######## end of section
# On first boot, set the (default) ubuntu user's password to "ubuntu" and
# expire user passwords
  expire: false
  - helloman:'0123456789'

## Add users and groups to the system, and import keys with the ssh-import-id
## utility
#- robot: [robot]
#- robotics: [robot]
#- pi
- default
#- name: robot
#  gecos: Mr. Robot
#  primary_group: robot
#  groups: users
#  ssh_import_id: foobar
#  lock_passwd: false
#  passwd: $5$hkui88$nvZgIle31cNpryjRfO9uArF7DYiBcWEnjqq7L1AQNN3

## Update apt database and upgrade packages on first boot
#package_update: true
#package_upgrade: true

## Install additional packages on first boot
#- pwgen
#- pastebinit
#- [libpython2.7, 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]

## Write arbitrary files to the file-system (including binaries!)
#- path: /etc/default/keyboard
#  content: |
#    # KEYBOARD configuration file
#    # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
#    XKBMODEL="pc105"
#    XKBLAYOUT="gb"
#    XKBOPTIONS="ctrl: nocaps"
#  permissions: '0644'
#  owner: root:root
#- encoding: gzip
#  path: /usr/bin/hello
#  content: !!binary |
#    H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA=
#  owner: root:root
#  permissions: '0755'

## Run arbitrary commands at rc.local like time
#- [ ls, -l, / ]
#- [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ]
#- [ wget, "", -O, /run/mydir/index.html ]

# This is the user-data configuration file for cloud-init. By default this sets
# up an initial user called "ubuntu" with password "ubuntu", which must be
# changed at first login. However, many additional actions can be initiated on
# first boot from this file. The cloud-init documentation has more details:
# Some additional examples are provided in comments below the default
# configuration.

# Enable password authentication with the SSH daemon
ssh_pwauth: true
#### this section created by KiYugadgeter
        name: helloman
        plain_text_passwd: '0123456789'
        home: /home/helloman
        shell: /bin/bash
        lock_passwd: true
        gecos: helloman
        grops: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, netdev]

######## end of section
# On first boot, set the (default) ubuntu user's password to "ubuntu" and
# expire user passwords
  expire: false
  - helloman:'0123456789'

## Add users and groups to the system, and import keys with the ssh-import-id
## utility
#- robot: [robot]
#- robotics: [robot]
#- pi
- default
#- name: robot
#  gecos: Mr. Robot
#  primary_group: robot
#  groups: users
#  ssh_import_id: foobar
#  lock_passwd: false
#  passwd: $5$hkui88$nvZgIle31cNpryjRfO9uArF7DYiBcWEnjqq7L1AQNN3

## Update apt database and upgrade packages on first boot
#package_update: true
#package_upgrade: true

## Install additional packages on first boot
#- pwgen
#- pastebinit
#- [libpython2.7, 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]

## Write arbitrary files to the file-system (including binaries!)
#- path: /etc/default/keyboard
#  content: |
#    # KEYBOARD configuration file
#    # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
#    XKBMODEL="pc105"
#    XKBLAYOUT="gb"
#    XKBOPTIONS="ctrl: nocaps"
#  permissions: '0644'
#  owner: root:root
#- encoding: gzip
#  path: /usr/bin/hello
#  content: !!binary |
#    H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA=
#  owner: root:root
#  permissions: '0755'

## Run arbitrary commands at rc.local like time
#- [ ls, -l, / ]
#- [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ]
#- [ wget, "", -O, /run/mydir/index.html ]

# This is the user-data configuration file for cloud-init. By default this sets
# up an initial user called "ubuntu" with password "ubuntu", which must be
# changed at first login. However, many additional actions can be initiated on
# first boot from this file. The cloud-init documentation has more details:
# Some additional examples are provided in comments below the default
# configuration.

# Enable password authentication with the SSH daemon
ssh_pwauth: true
#### this section created by KiYugadgeter
        name: helloman
        plain_text_passwd: '0123456789'
        home: /home/helloman
        shell: /bin/bash
        lock_passwd: true
        gecos: helloman
        grops: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, netdev]

######## end of section
# On first boot, set the (default) ubuntu user's password to "ubuntu" and
# expire user passwords
  expire: false
  - helloman:'0123456789'

## Add users and groups to the system, and import keys with the ssh-import-id
## utility
#- robot: [robot]
#- robotics: [robot]
#- pi
- default
#- name: robot
#  gecos: Mr. Robot
#  primary_group: robot
#  groups: users
#  ssh_import_id: foobar
#  lock_passwd: false
#  passwd: $5$hkui88$nvZgIle31cNpryjRfO9uArF7DYiBcWEnjqq7L1AQNN3

## Update apt database and upgrade packages on first boot
#package_update: true
#package_upgrade: true

## Install additional packages on first boot
#- pwgen
#- pastebinit
#- [libpython2.7, 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]

## Write arbitrary files to the file-system (including binaries!)
#- path: /etc/default/keyboard
#  content: |
#    # KEYBOARD configuration file
#    # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
#    XKBMODEL="pc105"
#    XKBLAYOUT="gb"
#    XKBOPTIONS="ctrl: nocaps"
#  permissions: '0644'
#  owner: root:root
#- encoding: gzip
#  path: /usr/bin/hello
#  content: !!binary |
#    H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA=
#  owner: root:root
#  permissions: '0755'

## Run arbitrary commands at rc.local like time
#- [ ls, -l, / ]
#- [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ]
#- [ wget, "", -O, /run/mydir/index.html ]

# This is the user-data configuration file for cloud-init. By default this sets
# up an initial user called "ubuntu" with password "ubuntu", which must be
# changed at first login. However, many additional actions can be initiated on
# first boot from this file. The cloud-init documentation has more details:
# Some additional examples are provided in comments below the default
# configuration.

# Enable password authentication with the SSH daemon
ssh_pwauth: true
#### this section created by KiYugadgeter
        name: helloman
        plain_text_passwd: '0123456789'
        home: /home/helloman
        shell: /bin/bash
        lock_passwd: true
        gecos: helloman
        grops: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, netdev]

######## end of section
# On first boot, set the (default) ubuntu user's password to "ubuntu" and
# expire user passwords
  expire: false
  - helloman:'0123456789'

## Add users and groups to the system, and import keys with the ssh-import-id
## utility
#- robot: [robot]
#- robotics: [robot]
#- pi
- default
#- name: robot
#  gecos: Mr. Robot
#  primary_group: robot
#  groups: users
#  ssh_import_id: foobar
#  lock_passwd: false
#  passwd: $5$hkui88$nvZgIle31cNpryjRfO9uArF7DYiBcWEnjqq7L1AQNN3

## Update apt database and upgrade packages on first boot
#package_update: true
#package_upgrade: true

## Install additional packages on first boot
#- pwgen
#- pastebinit
#- [libpython2.7, 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]

## Write arbitrary files to the file-system (including binaries!)
#- path: /etc/default/keyboard
#  content: |
#    # KEYBOARD configuration file
#    # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
#    XKBMODEL="pc105"
#    XKBLAYOUT="gb"
#    XKBOPTIONS="ctrl: nocaps"
#  permissions: '0644'
#  owner: root:root
#- encoding: gzip
#  path: /usr/bin/hello
#  content: !!binary |
#    H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA=
#  owner: root:root
#  permissions: '0755'

## Run arbitrary commands at rc.local like time
#- [ ls, -l, / ]
#- [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ]
#- [ wget, "", -O, /run/mydir/index.html ]
ソース リンク
  • 4,358
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Raspberry Pi 4にUbuntu Server 19.10をインストールした際のデフォルトユーザー名を変更する

Raspberry Pi 4にUbuntu Server 19.10をインストールした際のデフォルトのユーザー名を変更したいのですがどうすればよいのでしょうか?

デフォルトではユーザー名がubuntu、パスワードもubuntuになっており、これを例えば(ユーザー名:helloman パスワード:0123456789)というようなものに変更したいのですがどうすればいいのでしょうか?





# This is the user-data configuration file for cloud-init. By default this sets
# up an initial user called "ubuntu" with password "ubuntu", which must be
# changed at first login. However, many additional actions can be initiated on
# first boot from this file. The cloud-init documentation has more details:
# Some additional examples are provided in comments below the default
# configuration.

# Enable password authentication with the SSH daemon
ssh_pwauth: true
#### this section created by KiYugadgeter
        name: helloman
        plain_text_passwd: '0123456789'
        home: /home/helloman
        shell: /bin/bash
        lock_passwd: true
        gecos: helloman
        grops: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, netdev]

######## end of section
# On first boot, set the (default) ubuntu user's password to "ubuntu" and
# expire user passwords
  expire: false
  - helloman:'0123456789'

## Add users and groups to the system, and import keys with the ssh-import-id
## utility
#- robot: [robot]
#- robotics: [robot]
#- pi
- default
#- name: robot
#  gecos: Mr. Robot
#  primary_group: robot
#  groups: users
#  ssh_import_id: foobar
#  lock_passwd: false
#  passwd: $5$hkui88$nvZgIle31cNpryjRfO9uArF7DYiBcWEnjqq7L1AQNN3

## Update apt database and upgrade packages on first boot
#package_update: true
#package_upgrade: true

## Install additional packages on first boot
#- pwgen
#- pastebinit
#- [libpython2.7, 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]

## Write arbitrary files to the file-system (including binaries!)
#- path: /etc/default/keyboard
#  content: |
#    # KEYBOARD configuration file
#    # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
#    XKBMODEL="pc105"
#    XKBLAYOUT="gb"
#    XKBOPTIONS="ctrl: nocaps"
#  permissions: '0644'
#  owner: root:root
#- encoding: gzip
#  path: /usr/bin/hello
#  content: !!binary |
#    H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA=
#  owner: root:root
#  permissions: '0755'

## Run arbitrary commands at rc.local like time
#- [ ls, -l, / ]
#- [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ]
#- [ wget, "", -O, /run/mydir/index.html ]