Yahoo Financeにトヨタ自動車の日足チャートを表示させています。
VMA(Variable Moving Average)というインジケーターが非常に有効であることがわかったからです。(リンクは ココ )。左上の「Plots」のトグルボタンをOFF->ONするとVMAのラインが表示されます。
VMAの重み付けの方法にもいくつかあるようで、次の4つを試してましたが、すべてYahoo Financeのチャートに表示されるもの(リンクは ココ )とは異なります。
Yahoo Finance USのチャートのVMAと同じ値がでる計算方法をご存知の方いらっしゃいますか?
> npm i fs
> npm i yahoo-finance2
//import yahooFinance from 'yahoo-finance2';
//import fs from 'fs';
const yahooFinance = require('yahoo-finance2').default;
const fs = require('fs');
// Define the stock symbol and interval
const symbol = '7203.T'; // symbol(TOYOTA)
const interval = '1d'; // interval
// Function to fetch stock data
async function fetchStockData(symbol, interval) {
try {
const queryOptions = { period1: '2024-01-01', interval }; // adjust period1 as needed
const result = await yahooFinance.historical(symbol, queryOptions);
return result;
} catch (error) {
return null;
// Variable Moving Average calculation function
function variableMovingAverage(data, windowSize, weightFunction) {
if (data.length < windowSize) {
throw new Error('Data length must be greater than window size');
const vma = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= data.length - windowSize; i++) {
let weightedSum = 0;
let weightSum = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < windowSize; j++) {
let dataPoint = data[i + j];
let index = j;
let alpha = 0.1
const weight = weightFunction(dataPoint, index, alpha); // Use the weight function
weightedSum += dataPoint.close * weight;
weightSum += weight;
date: data[i + windowSize - 1].date,
open: data[i + windowSize - 1].open,
high: data[i + windowSize - 1].high,
low: data[i + windowSize - 1].low,
close: data[i + windowSize - 1].close,
volume: data[i + windowSize - 1].volume,
vma: weightedSum / weightSum,
return vma;
// Example weight functions
function priceWeightFunction(dataPoint) {
return dataPoint.close;
function volatilityWeightFunction(dataPoint) {
return dataPoint.high - dataPoint.low;
function volumeWeightFunction(dataPoint) {
return dataPoint.volume;
function exponentialWeightFunction(dataPoint, index, alpha = 0.1) {
return Math.pow(1 - alpha, index);
// Main function
(async () => {
const data = await fetchStockData(symbol, interval);
if (!data) {
console.error('Failed to fetch data');
// Define the window size
const windowSize = 5; // example: 12 periods
// ★Choose a weight function
const weightFunction = priceWeightFunction;
//const weightFunction = volatilityWeightFunction;
//const weightFunction = volumeWeightFunction;
//const weightFunction = (dataPoint, index, alpha) => exponentialWeightFunction(dataPoint, index, alpha);
// Calculate the Variable Moving Average
const vmaResult = variableMovingAverage(data, windowSize, weightFunction);
// Output
let str = 'date\topen\thigh\tlow\tclose\tvolume\tvma\n'
for (let i = 0; i < vmaResult.length; i++) {
str +=
vmaResult[i].date.toISOString().slice(0,10) + '\t'
+ Math.round(vmaResult[i].open * 100) / 100 + '\t'
+ Math.round(vmaResult[i].high * 100) / 100 + '\t'
+ Math.round(vmaResult[i].low * 100) / 100 + '\t'
+ Math.round(vmaResult[i].close * 100) / 100 + '\t'
+ vmaResult[i].volume + '\t'
+ Math.round(vmaResult[i].vma * 100) / 100 + '\n'
fs.writeFileSync('vma_result.tsv', str);