``` $ bin/dev 22:48:36 web.1 | started with pid 6565 22:48:36 css.1 | started with pid 6566 22:48:42 web.1 | => Booting Puma 22:48:42 web.1 | => Rails 7.0.8 application starting in development 22:48:42 web.1 | => Run `bin/rails server --help` for more startup options 22:48:43 css.1 | rails aborted! 22:48:43 css.1 | Don't know how to build task 'tailwindcss:watch' (See the list of available tasks with `rails --tasks`) 22:48:43 css.1 | 22:48:43 css.1 | (See full trace by running task with --trace) 22:48:44 css.1 | exited with code 1 22:48:44 system | sending SIGTERM to all processes 22:48:44 web.1 | Exiting 22:48:44 web.1 | terminated by SIGTERM ``` ``` $ rails --tasks rails about # List versions of all Rails framework... rails action_mailbox:ingress:exim # Relay an inbound email from Exim to ... rails action_mailbox:ingress:postfix # Relay an inbound email from Postfix ... rails action_mailbox:ingress:qmail # Relay an inbound email from Qmail to... rails action_mailbox:install # Installs Action Mailbox and its depe... rails action_mailbox:install:migrations # Copy migrations from action_mailbox ... rails action_text:install # Copy over the migration, stylesheet,... rails action_text:install:migrations # Copy migrations from action_text to ... rails active_storage:install # Copy over the migration needed to th... rails app:template # Applies the template supplied by LOC... rails app:update # Update configs and some other initia... rails assets:clean[keep] # Remove old compiled assets rails assets:clobber # Remove compiled assets rails assets:environment # Load asset compile environment rails assets:precompile # Compile all the assets named in conf... rails cache_digests:dependencies # Lookup first-level dependencies for ... rails cache_digests:nested_dependencies # Lookup nested dependencies for TEMPL... rails db:create # Creates the database from DATABASE_U... rails db:drop # Drops the database from DATABASE_URL... rails db:encryption:init # Generate a set of keys for configuri... rails db:environment:set # Set the environment value for the da... rails db:fixtures:load # Loads fixtures into the current envi... rails db:migrate # Migrate the database (options: VERSI... rails db:migrate:down # Runs the "down" for a given migratio... rails db:migrate:redo # Rolls back the database one migratio... rails db:migrate:status # Display status of migrations rails db:migrate:up # Runs the "up" for a given migration ... rails db:prepare # Runs setup if database does not exis... rails db:reset # Drops and recreates all databases fr... rails db:rollback # Rolls the schema back to the previou... rails db:schema:cache:clear # Clears a db/schema_cache.yml file rails db:schema:cache:dump # Creates a db/schema_cache.yml file rails db:schema:dump # Creates a database schema file (eith... rails db:schema:load # Loads a database schema file (either... rails db:seed # Loads the seed data from db/seeds.rb rails db:seed:replant # Truncates tables of each database fo... rails db:setup # Creates all databases, loads all sch... rails db:version # Retrieves the current schema version... rails importmap:install # Setup Importmap for the app rails log:clear # Truncates all/specified *.log files ... rails middleware # Prints out your Rack middleware stack rails restart # Restart app by touching tmp/restart.txt rails secret # Generate a cryptographically secure ... rails stats # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) ... rails stimulus:install # Install Stimulus into the app rails stimulus:install:importmap # Install Stimulus on an app running i... rails stimulus:install:node # Install Stimulus on an app running node rails test # Runs all tests in test folder except... rails test:all # Runs all tests, including system tests rails test:db # Run tests quickly, but also reset db rails test:system # Run system tests only rails time:zones[country_or_offset] # List all time zones, list by two-let... rails tmp:clear # Clear cache, socket and screenshot f... rails tmp:create # Creates tmp directories for cache, s... rails turbo:install # Install Turbo into the app rails turbo:install:importmap # Install Turbo into the app with asse... rails turbo:install:node # Install Turbo into the app with webp... rails turbo:install:redis # Switch on Redis and use it in develo... rails yarn:install # Install all JavaScript dependencies ... rails zeitwerk:check # Checks project structure for Zeitwer... ``` ↑こんな風にtailwindcssがないって言われますが、 [![画像の説明をここに入力][1]][1] package.jsonにはちゃんと記述してあります。 [![画像の説明をここに入力][2]][2] 一応tailwind.config.jsファイルの中身です。↓ [![画像の説明をここに入力][3]][3] node_modulesのtailwindcssファイルの中身 何が問題ですか? なんでtailwindcssタスクが存在してないことになってるんですか? [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/aMMfM.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/j9RmV.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/FqsPB.png