SPRESENSEで取得した画像をパソコンに送りたいと思っています。 その際にWiFiは使用したくなく、LTEボードを使用しています。 SPRESENSEの公式のチュートリアルを参考に行ったところ pc同士では通信ができたのですが、SPRESENSEとpc間では文字の通信すらできませんでした。 エラーなども出ていないため、どこが悪いかわかりません。 ご教授お願いします。 サブスクライバ側は以下のコマンドを実行しています。 ``` mosquitto_sub -d -h broker.emqx.io -t spresense/mqtt ``` パブリッシャー側のコードは以下のものを使用しています。 ``` c #include <LTE.h> #include <ArduinoMqttClient.h> // APN name #define APP_LTE_APN "iijmio.jp" // replace your APN /* APN authentication settings * Ignore these parameters when setting LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_NONE. */ #define APP_LTE_USER_NAME "mio@iij" // replace with your username #define APP_LTE_PASSWORD "iij" // replace with your password // APN IP type #define APP_LTE_IP_TYPE (LTE_NET_IPTYPE_V4V6) // IP : IPv4v6 // #define APP_LTE_IP_TYPE (LTE_NET_IPTYPE_V4) // IP : IPv4 // #define APP_LTE_IP_TYPE (LTE_NET_IPTYPE_V6) // IP : IPv6 // APN authentication type #define APP_LTE_AUTH_TYPE (LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_CHAP) // Authentication : CHAP // #define APP_LTE_AUTH_TYPE (LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_PAP) // Authentication : PAP // #define APP_LTE_AUTH_TYPE (LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_NONE) // Authentication : NONE /* RAT to use * Refer to the cellular carriers information * to find out which RAT your SIM supports. * The RAT set on the modem can be checked with LTEModemVerification::getRAT(). */ #define APP_LTE_RAT (LTE_NET_RAT_CATM) // RAT : LTE-M (LTE Cat-M1) // #define APP_LTE_RAT (LTE_NET_RAT_NBIOT) // RAT : NB-IoT // MQTT broker #define BROKER_NAME "broker.emqx.io" // replace with your broker #define BROKER_PORT 1883 // port 8883 is the default for MQTT over TLS. // for this client, if required by the server. // MQTT topic #define MQTT_TOPIC "spresense/mqtt" // replace with your topic // MQTT publish interval settings #define PUBLISH_INTERVAL_SEC 1 // MQTT publish interval in sec #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_PUBLISH 100 // Maximum number of publish LTE lteAccess; LTEClient client; MqttClient mqttClient(client); int numOfPubs = 0; unsigned long lastPubSec = 0; char broker[] = BROKER_NAME; int port = BROKER_PORT; char topic[] = MQTT_TOPIC; void doAttach() { while (true) { /* Power on the modem and Enable the radio function. */ if (lteAccess.begin() != LTE_SEARCHING) { Serial.println("Could not transition to LTE_SEARCHING."); Serial.println("Please check the status of the LTE board."); for (;;) { sleep(1); } } /* The connection process to the APN will start. * If the synchronous parameter is false, * the return value will be returned when the connection process is started. */ if (lteAccess.attach(APP_LTE_RAT, APP_LTE_APN, APP_LTE_USER_NAME, APP_LTE_PASSWORD, APP_LTE_AUTH_TYPE, APP_LTE_IP_TYPE, false) == LTE_CONNECTING) { Serial.println("Attempting to connect to network."); break; } /* If the following logs occur frequently, one of the following might be a cause: * - APN settings are incorrect * - SIM is not inserted correctly * - If you have specified LTE_NET_RAT_NBIOT for APP_LTE_RAT, * your LTE board may not support it. */ Serial.println("An error has occurred. Shutdown and retry the network attach preparation process after 1 second."); lteAccess.shutdown(); sleep(1); } } void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only } Serial.println("Starting ."); /* Connect LTE network */ doAttach(); int result; // Wait for the modem to connect to the LTE network. Serial.println("Waiting for successful attach."); LTEModemStatus modemStatus = lteAccess.getStatus(); while(LTE_READY != modemStatus) { if (LTE_ERROR == modemStatus) { /* If the following logs occur frequently, one of the following might be a cause: * - Reject from LTE network */ Serial.println("An error has occurred. Shutdown and retry the network attach process after 1 second."); lteAccess.shutdown(); sleep(1); doAttach(); } sleep(1); modemStatus = lteAccess.getStatus(); } Serial.println("attach succeeded."); Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: "); Serial.println(broker); if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, port)) { Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = "); Serial.println(mqttClient.connectError()); // do nothing forevermore: for (;;) sleep(1); } Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!"); } void loop() { String testString = "test" + String(numOfPubs) + "!"; unsigned long currentTime = lteAccess.getTime(); if (currentTime >= lastPubSec + PUBLISH_INTERVAL_SEC) { // Publish to broker Serial.print("Sending message to topic: "); Serial.println(topic); Serial.print("Publish: "); Serial.println(testString); // send message, the Print interface can be used to set the message contents mqttClient.beginMessage(topic); mqttClient.print(testString); mqttClient.endMessage(); lastPubSec = currentTime; numOfPubs++; } if (numOfPubs >= MAX_NUMBER_OF_PUBLISH) { Serial.println("Publish end"); // do nothing forevermore: for (;;) sleep(1); } } ```