1個以上の変数を宣言する単純宣言文(simple-declaration)は、冒頭に属性指定シーケンス(attribute-specifier-seq)を指定でき、その適用対象は同宣言文で宣言される全エンティティ(変数)が対象となります。C++17 [dcl.dcl]/2
A simple-declaration or nodeclspec-function-declaration of the form
attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seqopt init-declarator-listopt ;
is divided into three parts. [...] The attribute-specifier-seq appertains to each of the entities declared by the declarators of the init-declarator-list. [Note: In the declaration for an entity, attributes appertaining to that entity may appear at the start of the declaration and after the declarator-id for that declaration. - end note] [...]
上記init-declarator-listにおいて個別の変数を宣言(declarator)するとき、変数名(declarator-id)に後続する属性指定シーケンス(attribute-specifier-seq)の適用対象は直前のエンティティ(変数)が対象となります。C++17 [dcl.meaning]/1
A declarator contains exactly one declarator-id; it names the identifier that is declared. [...] The optional attribute-specifier-seq following a declarator-id appertains to the entity that is declared.