最終的にはsubmitした内容がリストに追加され5つになったところでThanks for your suggestionsというメッセージが表示されます。上記の質問及びsubmitを機能させるための解決策をご回答よろしくお願いします。
3. Within the script section create two global variables:one named i with a value of 1,
and the other named listItem with its value set to an empty string.
4. Below the variables, create a function called processInput(). Within the function,
create an if statement that runs if the value of i is less than or equal to 5. The if
statement should perform the following actions:
a. set the value of listitem variable to the string "item" concatenated with the value of i.
b. Set the content of the element with an id equal to listItem to the value of the
element with the id of toolbox.
c. Set the value of the element with the id of toolbox to an empty string.
5.Before the closing }of the if statement, create a nested if statement. If the value of
1 is equal to 5, the statement should change the content of the element with the id of
resultsExpl to the string "Thanks for your suggestions.”
(if文内にもう一つif文を設ける。i<=5の時、resultsExplの内容を”Thanks for your suggestions." に変更する)
6.Before the closing }of the main if statement, after the nested if statement, add a
statement to increment the value of i by 1.
7. Add a backward-compatible event listener for the click event to the Submit button
(with the id of button).
Hands-on Project 3-4
<div id="results">
<li id="item1"></li>
<li id="item2"></li>
<li id="item3"></li>
<li id="item4"></li>
<li id="item5"></li>
<p id="resultsExpl"></p>
<label for="toolBox" id="placeLabel">
Type the name of a tool, then click Submit:
<input type="text" id="toolBox" />
<button type="button" id="button">Submit</button>
var i=1;
var listitem = {};
var button = document.getElementById("button")
function processInput(){
var listitem = "item" + "i";
<listitem id="placeLabel";>
var placeLabel={};
var resultsExpl= "Thanks for your suggestions."
for(i=0; i<=5; i++){};
button.addEventListener("click", function(){