回答後に、質問内容が編集され「en0はモニターモードに」という前提条件が追加されていますが、以下の方法はWi-Fiインタフェースをモニターモードに設定するための -I
のタグが付いているので OS X 固有の回答です。
OS X 10.9(Darwin 13.0)以降であれば、tcpdump を以下のように実行することで複数インタフェースをキャプチャできます。
$ sudo tcpdump -i pktap,en0,en4 -w mix.pcap
オプションのインタフェース指定で、キャプチャしたい複数のインタフェースを pktap
なお、OS X 付属の tcpdump のマニュアルに記載されているように、この機能は OS X(Darwin)固有の PKTAP という疑似インタフェースを利用しているため、他のOSでは使えません。
-i Listen on interface.
If the -D flag is supported, an interface number as printed by that flag can be used as the interface argument.
On Darwin systems version 13 or later, when the interface is unspecified, tcpdump will use a pseudo interface to capture packets on a set of interfaces determined by the kernel (excludes by default loopback and tunnel interfaces).
Alternatively, to capture on more than one interface at a time, one may use "pktap" as the interface parameter followed by an optional list of comma separated interface names to include. For example, to capture on the loopback and en0 interface:
tcpdump -i pktap,lo0,en0
An interface argument of "all" or "pktap,all" can be used to capture packets from all interfaces, including loopback and tunnel interfaces.
A pktap pseudo interface provides for packet metadata using the default PKTAP data link type and files are written in the Pcap-ng file format. The RAW data link type must be used to force to use the legacy pcap-savefile(5) file format with a ptkap pseudo interface. Note that captures on a ptkap pseudo interface will not be done in promiscuous mode.
An interface argument of "iptap" can be used to capture packets from at the IP layer. This capture packets as they are passed to the input and output routines of the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol handlers of the networking stack. Note that captures will not be done in promiscuous mode.
On other OSes, if unspecified, tcpdump searches the system interface list for the lowest numbered, configured up interface (excluding loopback). Ties are broken by choosing the earliest match.
On Linux systems with 2.2 or later kernels, an interface argument of "any" can be used to capture packets from all interfaces. Note that captures on the "any" device will not be done in promiscuous mode.