
from numpy import *
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
import serial

# Create object serial port
portName = "COM6"                     
baudrate = 115200
ser = serial.Serial(portName,baudrate)

### START QtApp #####
app = QtGui.QApplication([])            # you MUST do this once (initialize things)

win1 = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Signal from serial port") # creates a window
win2 = pg.GraphicsWindow(title = "signal calculation")
p1 = win1.addPlot(title="Realtime plot")  # creates empty space for the plot in the window
p2 = win2.addPlot(title="inference")
curve1 = p1.plot()                        # create an empty "plot" (a curve to plot)
curve2 = p2.plot()

windowWidth = 500                       # width of the window displaying the curve
Xm = linspace(0,0,windowWidth)          # create array that will contain the relevant time series 
Ym = linspace(0,0,windowWidth)
Zm = linspace(0,0,windowWidth)
ptr = -windowWidth                      # set first x position

# Realtime data plot. Each time this function is called, the data display is updated
def update():
    global curve, ptr, Xm ,Ym
    Xm[:-1] = Xm[1:]                      # shift data in the temporal mean 1 sample left
    Ym[:-1] = Ym[1:]
    Zm[:-1] = Zm[1:]
    volt = ser.readline().rstrip()   # シリアル通信で受け取った情報(文字列)を改行コードがくるまで代入します。byte型で得る
    volt = volt.decode()
    volt = float(volt)
    Xm[-1] = volt                # vector containing the instantaneous values  
    Ym[-1] = volt
    ptr += 1                              # update x position for displaying the curve
    curve1.setData(Xm)                     # set the curve with this data
    curve1.setPos(ptr,0)                   # set x position in the graph to 0
    x = Ym[len(Ym)-131:len(Ym)-1]       #適当な関数で変換
    k = cal(x)
    Zm[-1] = k
    QtGui.QApplication.processEvents()    # you MUST process the plot now

### MAIN PROGRAM #####    
# this is a brutal infinite loop calling your realtime data plot
while True: update()

### END QtApp ####
pg.QtGui.QApplication.exec_() # you MUST put this at the end

1 件の回答 1



Deprecated Window Classes


  1. MAIN PROGRAMとコメントされているwhile True: update()による無限ループは、正しい使われ方では無い。
  2. END QtAppとコメントされている部分がPyQt本来のメッセージループだが、上記無限ループのために実行されていない。また実行されたとしても呼び方がおかしい。



  1. シリアルポート読み取りおよびグラフ更新処理はインターバルタイマを設定して、そこから呼び出す。
  2. PyQt通常のイベントループ処理を正しく呼び出す。
  3. update()の最後のprocessEvents()は有っても動くが意味は無いので外しておく。



from numpy import *
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
import serial
import random

# Create object serial port
portName = "COM6"                     
baudrate = 115200
ser = serial.Serial(portName,baudrate)

### START QtApp #####
app = QtGui.QApplication([])            # you MUST do this once (initialize things)

win1 = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Signal from serial port") # creates a window
win2 = pg.GraphicsWindow(title = "signal calculation")
p1 = win1.addPlot(title="Realtime plot")  # creates empty space for the plot in the window
p2 = win2.addPlot(title="inference")
curve1 = p1.plot()                        # create an empty "plot" (a curve to plot)
curve2 = p2.plot()

windowWidth = 500                       # width of the window displaying the curve
Xm = linspace(0,0,windowWidth)          # create array that will contain the relevant time series 
Ym = linspace(0,0,windowWidth)
Zm = linspace(0,0,windowWidth)
ptr = -windowWidth                      # set first x position

# Realtime data plot. Each time this function is called, the data display is updated
def update():
    global curve, ptr, Xm ,Ym
    Xm[:-1] = Xm[1:]                      # shift data in the temporal mean 1 sample left
    Ym[:-1] = Ym[1:]
    Zm[:-1] = Zm[1:]
    volt = ser.readline().rstrip()   # シリアル通信で受け取った情報(文字列)を改行コードがくるまで代入します。byte型で得る
    volt = volt.decode()
    volt = float(volt)
    Xm[-1] = volt                # vector containing the instantaneous values  
    Ym[-1] = volt
    ptr += 1                              # update x position for displaying the curve
    curve1.setData(Xm)                     # set the curve with this data
    curve1.setPos(ptr,0)                   # set x position in the graph to 0
    x = Ym[len(Ym)-131:len(Ym)-1]       #適当な関数で変換
    k = cal(x)
    Zm[-1] = k
    ##■ コメントアウト QtGui.QApplication.processEvents()    # you MUST process the plot now

### MAIN PROGRAM #####    
# this is a brutal infinite loop calling your realtime data plot
##■ while True: update() #### 無限ループは削除

### END QtApp ####
##■ pg.QtGui.QApplication.exec_() # you MUST put this at the end #### 以下へ移動

##■ PyQt 通常の呼び出し方法
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    ##■ シリアルポート読み取りおよびグラフ更新処理のインターバルタイマー設定
    timer = QtCore.QTimer()
    timer.start(30) ##■ インターバルはシリアルポートの読み取り間隔に合わせて調整する
    ##■ PyQt イベントループ実行
    if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):

Pyqt5 with pyqtgraph building two graphs


import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QApplication)
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
import numpy as np
import serial
import random

class CustomPlot(pg.PlotWidget):
    def __init__(self, title=''):
        pg.PlotWidget.__init__(self, title=title)
        self.curve = self.plot()

# The top container/widget for the graphs
class Window(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        self.windowWidth = 500                      # width of the window displaying the curve
        self.Xm = np.linspace(0,0,self.windowWidth) # create array that will contain the relevant time series 
        self.Ym = np.linspace(0,0,self.windowWidth)
        self.Zm = np.linspace(0,0,self.windowWidth)
        self.ptr = -self.windowWidth                # set first x position
        self.k = 5 #### 信号計算の代替シミュレーション用初期値
        self.initUI() # call the UI set up
        self.portName = "COM6"
        self.baudrate = 115200
        self.ser = serial.Serial(self.portName,self.baudrate)
        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
    # set up the UI
    def initUI(self):
        self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self) # create the layout
        self.pginput = CustomPlot(title="Signal from serial port - Realtime plot") # class abstract both the classes
        self.pginfer = CustomPlot(title="signal calculation - inference") # "" "" ""
    # update graph
    def updateGraph(self):
        self.Xm[:-1] = self.Xm[1:]          # shift data in the temporal mean 1 sample left
        self.Ym[:-1] = self.Ym[1:]
        self.Zm[:-1] = self.Zm[1:]
        self.volt = ser.readline().rstrip() # シリアル通信で受け取った情報(文字列)を改行コードがくるまで代入します。byte型で得る
        self.volt = self.volt.decode()
        self.volt = float(self.volt)
        self.volt = random.randrange(0.0, 6.0) #### 入力信号の代替シミュレーション
        self.Xm[-1] = self.volt             # vector containing the instantaneous values
        self.Ym[-1] = self.volt
        self.ptr += 1                       # update x position for displaying the curve
        self.pginput.curve.setData(self.Xm)               # set the curve with this data
        self.pginput.curve.setPos(self.ptr,0)             # set x position in the graph to 0
        self.x = self.Ym[len(self.Ym)-131:len(self.Ym)-1] #適当な関数で変換
        # self.k = cal(x)
        self.k += random.randint(-5, 5) #### 上記信号計算の代替シミュレーション
        self.Zm[-1] = self.k

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = Window()


求めていた回答ではありませんか? のタグが付いた他の質問を参照する。