type classの学習のために、かなり人工的ですが下記のようなコードを書いてみたところ、Showable
, Changeable
data Color = Red | Green
class Showable a where
myshow :: a -> String
class Changeable a where
change :: a -> a
class GetFromIntable a where
getFromInt :: Int -> a
instance Showable Color where
myshow Red = "AKA"
myshow Green = "MIDORI"
instance Changeable Color where
change Red = Green
change Green = Red
instance GetFromIntable Color where
getFromInt 1 = Red
getFromInt 2 = Green
romajiRed = myshow Red
changedRomajiColor = myshow $ change Red
color = myshow $ getFromInt 1
main = do print $ romajiRed
print $ changedRomajiColor
print $ color
% docker run -it --rm --name bar-haskell -v "$PWD":/tmp -w /tmp haskell:8 runghc Bar.hs
Bar.hs:26:9: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `a0' arising from a use of `myshow'
prevents the constraint `(Showable a0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `a0' should be.
These potential instance exist:
instance Showable Color -- Defined at Bar.hs:12:10
* In the expression: myshow $ getFromInt 1
In an equation for `color': color = myshow $ getFromInt 1
26 | color = myshow $ getFromInt 1
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Bar.hs:26:18: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `a0' arising from a use of `getFromInt'
prevents the constraint `(GetFromIntable a0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `a0' should be.
These potential instance exist:
instance GetFromIntable Color -- Defined at Bar.hs:20:10
* In the second argument of `($)', namely `getFromInt 1'
In the expression: myshow $ getFromInt 1
In an equation for `color': color = myshow $ getFromInt 1
26 | color = myshow $ getFromInt 1
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Showable
- myshowを実装することを要求する
- Colorでは色に応じたローマ字を生成して返す(RedならAKA, GreenならMIDORI)
- Changeable
- changeを実装することを要求する
- ColorではRedとGreenを入れ替える処理として実装
- GetFromIntable
- getFromIntを実装することを要求する
- Colorでは1のときRed, 2のときGreenを返す処理として実装
type classを用いずに下記のようにすると
f 1 = Red
color = myshow $ f 1
main = do print $ romajiRed
print $ changedRomajiColor
print $ color
ちゃんと実行されました。なぜ、type classだとエラーになっているのでしょう?
% docker run -it --rm --name bar-haskell -v "$PWD":/tmp -w /tmp haskell:8 runghc Bar.hs