new Date(2018, 10, 4, 1, 30) // 2018年11月4日 午前01:30
ECMAScript® 2019 Language Specification によると
When tlocal represents local time repeating multiple times at a
negative time zone transition (e.g. when the daylight saving time ends
or the time zone adjustment is decreased due to a time zone rule
change) or skipped local time at a positive time zone transitions
(e.g. when the daylight saving time starts or the time zone adjustment
is increased due to a time zone rule change), tlocal must be
interpreted with the time zone adjustment before the transition.
とありますが、上記の例(2018年11月4日 午前01:30)は常に夏時間終了前の時刻になる、という解釈で合っているでしょうか?