template <typename F>
constexpr auto func(F f)
constexpr auto x = f();
static_assert(x == 42);
return x;
int main()
constexpr auto x = func( [](){ return 42; } );
static_assert(x == 42);
N4659 [expr.prim.lambda.closure]/p4 で、条件をみたせばクロージャオブジェクトのoperator()
メンバ関数が、暗黙にconstexpr functionとみなされる旨が記載されています。
[...] The function call operator or any given operator template specialization is a constexpr function if either the corresponding lambda-expression's parameter-declarationclause is followed by constexpr
, or it satisfies the requirements for a constexpr function (10.1.5). [...] [Example:
auto ID = [](auto a) { return a; };
static_assert(ID(3) == 3); // OK
struct NonLiteral {
NonLiteral(int n) : n(n) { }
int n;
static_assert(ID(NonLiteral{3}).n == 3); // ill-formed
-- end example]