xcode var8.3.2
Realm var2.7.0
ERROR ITMS-90087: "Unsupported Architectures. The executable for アプリ名.app/Frameworks/Realm.framework contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'."
ERROR ITMS-90087: "Unsupported Architectures. The executable for アプリ名.app/Frameworks/RealmSwift.framework contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'."
ERROR ITMS-90209: "Invalid Segment Alignment. The app binary at 'アプリ名.app/Frameworks/Realm.framework/Realm' does not have proper segment alignment. Try rebuilding the app with the latest Xcode version."
ERROR ITMS-90209: "Invalid Segment Alignment. The app binary at 'アプリ名.app/Frameworks/RealmSwift.framework/RealmSwift' does not have proper segment alignment. Try rebuilding the app with the latest Xcode version."
ERROR ITMS-90125: "The binary is invalid. The encryption info in the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO load command is either missing or invalid, or the binary is already encrypted. This binary does not seem to have been built with Apple's linker."
WARNING ITMS-90080: "The executable 'Payload/アプリ名.app/Frameworks/Realm.framework' is not a Position Independent Executable. Please ensure that your build settings are configured to create PIE executables. For more information refer to Technical Q&A QA1788 - Building a Position Independent Executable in the iOS Developer Library."
WARNING ITMS-90080: "The executable 'Payload/アプリ名.app/Frameworks/RealmSwift.framework' is not a Position Independent Executable. Please ensure that your build settings are configured to create PIE executables. For more information refer to Technical Q&A QA1788 - Building a Position Independent Executable in the iOS Developer Library."