今使っているプロジェクトの Vagrant を起動しようとすると
Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they
would collide with some other application that is already listening
on these ports. The forwarded port to 3000 is already in use
on the host machine.
To fix this, modify your current projects Vagrantfile to use another
port. Example, where '1234' would be replaced by a unique host port:
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 3000, host: 1234
Sometimes, Vagrant will attempt to auto-correct this for you. In this
case, Vagrant was unable to. This is usually because the guest machine
is in a state which doesn't allow modifying port forwarding.
となってしまうのですが、他のプロジェクトで使用している Vagrantfile は
vagrant destroy
コマンドではなく、Mac の Finder 上から
VirtualBox Maneger からも削除して、
~/VirtualBox\ VMs
vagrant global-status --prune
netstat -anp|grep ポート番号
で確認してみてください。lsof -n -P -i :3000
して、使われているプロセス番号をkill -9