
$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.4 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_25).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

// 処理時間を計測する関数 
scala> def elapsed(f: => Unit) = { val s = new java.util.Date; f; println("time: " + (new java.util.Date().getTime - s.getTime) + "ms") }
elapsed: (f: => Unit)Unit

// 何か重い処理
scala> def f = (1 to 1000000).map(_ + scala.util.Random.nextInt(10000))
f: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int]

// 普通に30回重い処理を実行
scala> (1 to 30).foreach { _ => elapsed(f) }
time: 166ms
time: 84ms
time: 36ms
time: 35ms
time: 64ms
time: 55ms
time: 52ms
time: 55ms
time: 54ms
time: 54ms
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time: 54ms
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time: 53ms
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time: 57ms
time: 52ms
time: 63ms
time: 56ms
time: 54ms
time: 70ms
time: 72ms
time: 55ms
time: 119ms
time: 106ms
time: 99ms
time: 86ms
time: 93ms
time: 61ms

// 今度はparで並列に実行
scala> (1 to 30).par.foreach { _ => elapsed(f) }
time: 201ms
time: 212ms
time: 215ms
time: 221ms
time: 176ms
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time: 251ms
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time: 268ms
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time: 235ms
time: 235ms
time: 383ms
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time: 396ms
time: 414ms
time: 407ms
time: 337ms
time: 324ms
time: 354ms
time: 390ms
time: 407ms
time: 452ms
time: 159ms
time: 147ms
time: 37ms








2 件の回答 2

  • scala.util.Randomはjava.util.Randomを使うので複数スレッドから同時にアクセスする用途には向かない。
  • (1 to 1000000).map(..)で大量にメモリが確保される。


scala> def f5 = (1 to 1000000).foreach(_ => java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10000))

f5: Unit

scala> (1 to 30).foreach { _ => elapsed(f5) }
time: 21ms
time: 31ms
time: 19ms
time: 22ms
time: 17ms
time: 17ms
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time: 19ms
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time: 21ms
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time: 25ms
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time: 17ms
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time: 36ms
time: 19ms
time: 17ms
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time: 19ms
time: 17ms
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time: 16ms

scala> (1 to 30).par.foreach { _ => elapsed(f5) }
time: 53ms
time: 53ms
time: 54ms
time: 56ms
time: 62ms
time: 63ms
time: 69ms
time: 74ms
time: 51ms
time: 43ms
time: 51ms
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time: 43ms
time: 55ms
time: 50ms
time: 37ms
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time: 46ms
time: 41ms
time: 35ms
time: 32ms
time: 34ms
time: 37ms
time: 32ms
time: 30ms
time: 30ms


// weightの値は処理性能に合わせて調整してください。30前後が良さそう。
def f(weight: Int): Unit = {
  def fib(n: Int): Int = n match {
    case 0 => 1
    case 1 => 1
    case _ => fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)

// ついでにThread IDも出す表示関数にします
def elapsed(f: => Unit) = {
    val s = new java.util.Date;
    println("thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "\ttime:\t" + (new java.util.Date().getTime - s.getTime) + "ms")


// 外側のelapsedが最後に合計を表示
scala> elapsed((1 to 30).foreach { _ => elapsed(f(30)) })
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   4ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   4ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   6ms
thread: 1       time:   6ms
thread: 1       time:   7ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   4ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   5ms
thread: 1       time:   152ms

scala> elapsed((1 to 30).par.foreach { _ => elapsed(f(30)) })
thread: 56      time:   5ms
thread: 58      time:   5ms
thread: 49      time:   5ms
thread: 56      time:   5ms
thread: 58      time:   4ms
thread: 49      time:   5ms
thread: 54      time:   13ms
thread: 56      time:   5ms
thread: 58      time:   5ms
thread: 49      time:   4ms
thread: 54      time:   5ms
thread: 56      time:   4ms
thread: 58      time:   5ms
thread: 49      time:   5ms
thread: 54      time:   4ms
thread: 56      time:   5ms
thread: 49      time:   5ms
thread: 58      time:   5ms
thread: 55      time:   5ms
thread: 56      time:   5ms
thread: 49      time:   5ms
thread: 58      time:   5ms
thread: 55      time:   5ms
thread: 56      time:   5ms
thread: 55      time:   5ms
thread: 57      time:   4ms
thread: 56      time:   4ms
thread: 59      time:   4ms
thread: 58      time:   9ms
thread: 49      time:   9ms
thread: 1       time:   42ms




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