(I created articles with Contentful and get them with Vuex. But, I can't get the image associated with the article ...)
Error:Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined
▼エラーが出てしまうコード the problem code
class="mb-3 w-full h-64 bg-center bg-cover"
:style=" 'background-image: url(' + work.fields.image.fields.file.url + ')' "
▼全体 all
<!-- pages/index.vue -->
v-for="work in works"
class="w-full m-2 pb-3 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg"
<div class="absolute bg-white py-1 px-3 rounded shadow mt-1 ml-1 text-sm">
{{ }}
class="mb-3 w-full h-64 bg-center bg-cover"
:style=" 'background-image: url(' + work.fields.image.fields.file.url + ')' "
<h3 class="ml-3 font-bold">{{ work.fields.title }}</h3>
<h4 class="ml-3 my-2 text-xs">{{ work.fields.subtitle }}</h4>
<div class="flex ml-2">
v-for="tag in work.fields.tag"
class="list-none text-xs m-1 bg-gray-200 p-1 rounded"
{{ }}
import { createClient } from '~/plugins/contentful.js'
const client = createClient()
export default {
asyncData() {
return Promise.all([
content_type: 'work', // workタイプの記事データを全取得
order: '-sys.createdAt', // 作成日時順に並べる
.then(([works]) => {
return {
works: works.items, // 取得したデータを配列worksに入れる
[ 21:26:43
sys: {
space: [Object],
id: '4GGdVzFpAP9wYcZujWql7f',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-08-20T13:53:41.300Z',
updatedAt: '2020-08-20T13:53:41.300Z',
environment: [Object],
revision: 1,
contentType: [Object],
locale: 'en-US'
fields: {
title: 'アイス',
subTitle: 'チョコモナカジャンボ',
date: '2020-08-05T00:00+09:00',
category: [Object],
tag: [Array],
content: '美味しい!'
sys: {
space: [Object],
id: '61SVTRr1VpZbkFX8bdi4P3',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-08-20T13:51:50.745Z',
updatedAt: '2020-08-20T13:51:50.745Z',
environment: [Object],
revision: 1,
contentType: [Object],
locale: 'en-US'
fields: {
title: 'パン',
subTitle: 'メロンパン',
category: [Object],
content: '猛禽類研究所'
sys: {
space: [Object],
id: '37g2gRzX3Vtcn4uU456vJM',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-08-20T13:37:33.876Z',
updatedAt: '2020-08-20T13:40:53.794Z',
environment: [Object],
revision: 2,
contentType: [Object],
locale: 'en-US'
fields: {
title: '文鳥',
subTitle: '白文鳥',
date: '2020-08-19T00:00+09:00',
category: [Object],
tag: [Array],
content: '白文鳥、かわいい!\n'
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