Protocol 'ListEntryDelegate' cannot be nested inside another declaration と
Protocol 'ListEntryDelegate' cannot be nested inside another declaration
extentionと、extention では
Declaration is only valid at file scope
Use of undeclared type 'ListEntryDelegate'
Declaration is only valid at file scope
Use of undeclared type 'ListEntryDelegate'
struct ListEntry {
enum CellType: String {
case post = "postcell"
case folder = "foldercell"
/// 種類
var cellType: CellType
struct ListEntry {
enum CellType: String {
case post = "postcell"
case folder = "foldercell"
/// 種類
var cellType: CellType
/// テキスト
var text: String
var array: [String]
// 一つのセルに表示する情報が増えればプロパティを増やす
listView.mainArray.insert(folString, at: 0)
listView.mainArray.insert(folString, at: 0)
Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'ListEntry'
Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'ListEntry'
追記 2追記 2