Spresense の Arduino ライブラリのヘッダファイルを見てみたら、以下のように定義されていました。
void attachTimerInterrupt(unsigned int (*isr)(void), unsigned int us);
// Parameter:
// isr: the function to call when the timer interrupt occurs.
// This function must return the next timer period [microseconds].
// If this function returns 0, the timer stops and it behaves as oneshot timer.
// us: microseconds.
// The maximum value is about 26 seconds and if it exceeds, an error occurs.
// Note:
// This can not be used at the same time with tone().
#define INTERVAL 100
static unsigned long counter = 0;
unsigned int callback_func() {
Serial.print("callback_func called ");
Serial.println(" times");
return INTERVAL;
void setup() {
attachTimerInterrupt(callback_func, INTERVAL);
void loop() {