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Azure App Service WebJobでPythonジョブ実行時のエラー解決方法について How to Resolve Errors When Running Python Jobs in Azure App Service WebJobs

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ソース リンク

Azure App Service WebJobでPythonジョブ実行時のエラー解決方法について How to Resolve Errors When Running Python Jobs in Azure App Service WebJobs

some error messages

何か解決策はありますか?それともWebJobではpython のジョブはサポートされて無いのでしょうか?

I want to run a Python job in an Azure App Service WebJob.
The App Service plan is Basic.
The OS is Linux, and the runtime is Python. The deployment model is set to “Code.”

I created a WebJob by uploading a ZIP file containing a simple Python script.

However, when I run the WebJob, an error occurs.
Looking at the error logs, I see messages like the following:

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Initializing
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Run script '' with script host - 'PythonScriptHost'
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: ERR ] An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS ERR ] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory)
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessWrapper.Start() in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessWrapper.cs:line 27
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessExtensions.Start(IProcess process, ITracer tracer, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessExtensions.cs:line 242
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteAsync(ITracer tracer, String arguments, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 255
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteInternal(ITracer tracer, Func`2 onWriteOutput, Func`2 onWriteError, Encoding encoding, String arguments, Object[] args)
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteReturnExitCode(ITracer tracer, Action`1 onWriteOutput, Action`1 onWriteError, String arguments, Object[] args) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 165
  at Kudu.Core.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.RunJobInstance(JobBase job, IJobLogger logger, String runId, String trigger, ITracer tracer, Int32 port) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Jobs\BaseJobRunner.cs:line 

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Run script '' with script host - 'PythonScriptHost'
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: ERR ] An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS ERR ] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory)
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessWrapper.Start() in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessWrapper.cs:line 27
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessExtensions.Start(IProcess process, ITracer tracer, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessExtensions.cs:line 242
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteAsync(ITracer tracer, String arguments, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 255
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteInternal(ITracer tracer, Func2 onWriteOutput, Func2 onWriteError, Encoding encoding, String arguments, Object[] args)
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteReturnExitCode(ITracer tracer, Action1 onWriteOutput, Action1 onWriteError, String arguments, Object[] args) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 165
at Kudu.Core.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.RunJobInstance(JobBase job, IJobLogger logger, String runId, String trigger, ITracer tracer, Int32 port) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Jobs\BaseJobRunner.cs:line

Is there any solution for this? Or is it that Python jobs are not supported in WebJobs?何か解決策はありますか?それともWebJobではpython のジョブはサポートされて無いのでしょうか?

How to Resolve Errors When Running Python Jobs in Azure App Service WebJobs

some error messages

何か解決策はありますか?それともWebJobではpython のジョブはサポートされて無いのでしょうか?

I want to run a Python job in an Azure App Service WebJob.
The App Service plan is Basic.
The OS is Linux, and the runtime is Python. The deployment model is set to “Code.”

I created a WebJob by uploading a ZIP file containing a simple Python script.

However, when I run the WebJob, an error occurs.
Looking at the error logs, I see messages like the following:

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Initializing

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Run script '' with script host - 'PythonScriptHost'
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: ERR ] An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS ERR ] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory)
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessWrapper.Start() in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessWrapper.cs:line 27
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessExtensions.Start(IProcess process, ITracer tracer, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessExtensions.cs:line 242
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteAsync(ITracer tracer, String arguments, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 255
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteInternal(ITracer tracer, Func2 onWriteOutput, Func2 onWriteError, Encoding encoding, String arguments, Object[] args)
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteReturnExitCode(ITracer tracer, Action1 onWriteOutput, Action1 onWriteError, String arguments, Object[] args) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 165
at Kudu.Core.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.RunJobInstance(JobBase job, IJobLogger logger, String runId, String trigger, ITracer tracer, Int32 port) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Jobs\BaseJobRunner.cs:line

Is there any solution for this? Or is it that Python jobs are not supported in WebJobs?

Azure App Service WebJobでPythonジョブ実行時のエラー解決方法について How to Resolve Errors When Running Python Jobs in Azure App Service WebJobs

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Initializing
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Run script '' with script host - 'PythonScriptHost'
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: ERR ] An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS ERR ] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory)
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessWrapper.Start() in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessWrapper.cs:line 27
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessExtensions.Start(IProcess process, ITracer tracer, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessExtensions.cs:line 242
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteAsync(ITracer tracer, String arguments, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 255
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteInternal(ITracer tracer, Func`2 onWriteOutput, Func`2 onWriteError, Encoding encoding, String arguments, Object[] args)
  at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteReturnExitCode(ITracer tracer, Action`1 onWriteOutput, Action`1 onWriteError, String arguments, Object[] args) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 165
  at Kudu.Core.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.RunJobInstance(JobBase job, IJobLogger logger, String runId, String trigger, ITracer tracer, Int32 port) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Jobs\BaseJobRunner.cs:line 

何か解決策はありますか?それともWebJobではpython のジョブはサポートされて無いのでしょうか?

ソース リンク

How to Resolve Errors When Running Python Jobs in Azure App Service WebJobs

Azure App Serviceのウェブジョブで、Pythonのジョブを実行したいです。
app service プランはbasicです。
OSはLinuxで、ランタイムはPythonです。 発行モデルはコードです。



some error messages

何か解決策はありますか?それともWebJobではpython のジョブはサポートされて無いのでしょうか?

I want to run a Python job in an Azure App Service WebJob.
The App Service plan is Basic.
The OS is Linux, and the runtime is Python. The deployment model is set to “Code.”

I created a WebJob by uploading a ZIP file containing a simple Python script.

However, when I run the WebJob, an error occurs.
Looking at the error logs, I see messages like the following:

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Initializing

[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Run script '' with script host - 'PythonScriptHost'
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: ERR ] An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[11/18/2024 23:23:22 > d7204e: SYS ERR ] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory)
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'python.exe' with working directory '/tmp/jobs/triggered/webjobpy/bphw5fzr.pno/webjobtest'. No such file or directory
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessWrapper.Start() in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessWrapper.cs:line 27
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.ProcessExtensions.Start(IProcess process, ITracer tracer, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\ProcessExtensions.cs:line 242
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteAsync(ITracer tracer, String arguments, Stream output, Stream error, Stream input, IdleManager idleManager) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 255
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteInternal(ITracer tracer, Func2 onWriteOutput, Func2 onWriteError, Encoding encoding, String arguments, Object[] args)
at Kudu.Core.Infrastructure.Executable.ExecuteReturnExitCode(ITracer tracer, Action1 onWriteOutput, Action1 onWriteError, String arguments, Object[] args) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Infrastructure\Executable.cs:line 165
at Kudu.Core.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.RunJobInstance(JobBase job, IJobLogger logger, String runId, String trigger, ITracer tracer, Int32 port) in C:\wagit\AAPT-Antares-Kudu\Kudu.Core\Jobs\BaseJobRunner.cs:line

Is there any solution for this? Or is it that Python jobs are not supported in WebJobs?